About Blu

The Bluprint Program was designed to provide college support to students who are not attending one of Bottom Line's target colleges. This is an exciting opportunity for Bottom Line to support a new group of students and integrate our hybrid advising approach. 

Students who are part of Bluprint will receive weekly text messages from Bottom Line’s chatbot, Blu, who will share information related to: 

  • Financial aid deadlines & processes 
  • Study tips and best practices 
  • Career readiness resources
  • Encouragement related to one’s general wellness and well-being. 

Hybrid Advising Approach to Student Support

In addition to receiving weekly messages, Blu is at the ready 24/7 to respond to frequently asked questions that you may have throughout a student's college journey. Blu is programmed to answer over 1,500 questions that we know are commonly asked based on our 25+ year history of serving students who are first in their family to go to college. When students need additional support, a Bottom Line Virtual College Success Advisor will be available to meet with a student virtually and help them find solutions, resources, and ensure they are meeting their college and career goals. 

Blu has a knowledge base that is being consistently updated with information to help students receive clear and helpful information regarding a range of topics. Blu and virtual advisors will be able to support students holistically using Bottom Line’s DEAL model which includes: 

  • Choosing a major 
  • Study tips
  • Registration and degree planning 
  • Communicating with professors
  • Career exploration 
  • Resume, cover letter, interview support
  • Networking and Linked In support 
  • Job/Internship support
  • Renewing financial aid application
  • Scholarship resources
  • Resolving issues with bills
  • Assessing loan debt 
  • Words of encouragement 
  • Goal setting 
  • Self-care strategies 
  • Resources for support on campus

Getting the Most Out of Blu

  1. Blu responds better to short and specific questions. Try not to ask more than one question per text message so Blu understands what you need. 

    How can I find affordable textbooks?
    I need help looking for an internship.
    Where can I apply for scholarships?

  2. When Blu sends you a text asking you to choose from a list you just have to text the number you are choosing one time so Blu can send you the right message. You do not have to type in what is next to the number.

  3. Text Blu when you have questions or need support any time of day! It will answer questions 24/7 and if you need extra support from an advisor you will get a response within 48 hours.
  4. If you’ve tried asking Blu for support and you’re not getting the information you need, please text #advisor to schedule a meeting with your Bottom Line Advisor.
Who is Blu?

Blu is Bottom Line’s chatbot available to Bottom Line through our partner organization, Mainstay.

Who is eligible for Bluprint?

You can find the eligibility criteria for Bluprint here: https://www.bottomline.org/content/eligibility-requirements-0.

How do I apply to be in the Bluprint Program?

You can apply to Bluprint by clicking here access the application: https://bottomline.tfaforms.net/4905671.

I applied to be in the Bluprint Program. Now what?

Once you've completed your application, a Bottom Line staff member will be reviewing your application to confirm your eligibility criteria and one of three things will happen

  1. If you are confirmed into the program, you will receive an email notifying you that you've been confirmed. 
  2. If you are not eligible, you will receive an email encouraging you to seek other resources. 
  3. If there is a piece of information that we still need (for example: you put "Not Sure" for one of your answers), a Bottom Line staff member will email you to gather that info.
How will I be communicating with Blu? How will Blu be communicating with me? 

Once you are a confirmed Bluprint student, Blu will start sending you messages via SMS text messaging. The only way you will be contacted by Blu will be via text message. You can and are encouraged to communicate with Blu! Text Blu any questions you have, or respond to any of Blu’s messages. Bottom Line advisors are working every day to make Blu as smart as possible, and asking questions helps us do so. 

What can I ask Blu?

You can ask Blu anything! The best way to get a response to your question is to ask one question per message. Blu’s knowledge base has answers to over 1,500 questions in various categories. Some examples of how you can ask questions are: 

  • “How do I find a job on campus?”
  • “When does the FAFSA open?”
  • “How do I declare a major?” 
How fast will Blu be responding to my questions? 

Blu is programmed to answer ASAP and 24/7. If you have a question at 3:00am, that’s okay! Blu will respond! 

What if Blu can't answer my question?

If Blu can't answer your question, a Bottom Line advisor will step in to answer you within 48 hours. Please view the "How do I use Blu to get connected to my Bottom Line advisor?" question below to learn how to ensure your answer gets sent to an advisor. 

I’ve received messages from Blu from different phone numbers. Is this normal? 

When Bottom Line advisors schedule messages to be sent to students, the priority is for Blu to send those messages as soon as possible. This is normal, but shouldn’t happen too frequently!  

How do I use Blu to get connected to my Bottom Line advisor?

You can use the following list of #commands to connect to a Bottom Line advisor, or just receive more info in general:

  • #advisor tells Blu that you want to schedule a meeting with your advisor, so Blu can send you a link to your advisors schedule and you can choose your meeting date and time. 
  • #followup tells Blu that you want more information about a response Blu sent you. Blu will send your message to a Bottom Line advisor so they can connect with you. 
  • #urgent tells Blu that you need your message to be sent to a Bottom Line advisor immediately. An advisor will follow up with you ASAP. 
  • #studytips tells Blu that you want more information on how to optimize your study time. 
  • #fafsa10 tells Blu you want more information on how to send your FAFSA to more than 10 schools at a time.